Urban thermal sources

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What are the different types of heat supply options?



REUSEHeat handbook

The aim of this book is to consolidate information from low temperature waste heat recovery demonstration sites. Apart from technical validation, the ReUseHeat project has generated knowledge about the urban waste heat potential in Europe, main stakeholders and different business aspects.

REUSEHeat D1.4 Accessible urban waste heat

ReUseHeat project aims to assess the accessible EU28 urban excess heat recovery potential from seven unconventional excess heat sources: data centres, metro stations, food production facilities, food retail stores, residential sector buildings, service sector buildings, and waste water treatment plants.

REUSEHeat D1.9

Report on the amounts of urban waste heat accessible in the EU28

D2.1 REWARDHeat planning schemes database

The deliverable serves as a database for literature review and best practice examples for ultra-low and neutral temperature district heating and cooling networks. Firstly, it provides detailed overview of existing knowledge and published research papers on the different related topics such as: renewable and urban waste heat sources, supply technologies, thermal networks, and end-user substations. Then, the overview of existing next-generation networks is presented, while focusing on their characteristics such as temperature regimes, thermal sources, network topology, etc. This information is organised as a publicly available database hosted on Zenodo platform, available on this link.


DELPHIN - Simulation program for the coupled transport of heat, air, moisture, pollutants and salt

DELPHIN is a multilingual simulation program for the coupled heat, moisture and mass transport in capillary porous building materials. The DELPHIN software is used in a variety of ways:


Varmeplan Danmark 2021 (Heat Plan Denmark 2021)
