Low temperature district heat (4GDH)

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What is district heating and the different types?



COOL DH is an abbreviation of Cool ways of using low grade Heat Sources from Cooling and Surplus Heat for heating of Energy Efficient Buildings with new Low Temperature District Heating (LTDH) Solutions. The COOL DH project innovates, demonstrates, evaluates, and disseminates technological solutions needed to exploit and utilise sources of very low-grade surplus heat for heating of energy efficient buildings via Low Temperature District Heating (LTDH). The project shows how the transition of District Heating (DH) systems towards LTDH can make these more resource efficient and more energy efficient.

TEMPO project

Tempo project deliverables. The TEMPO – Temperature Optimisation for Low-Temperature District Heating across Europe – project developed technical innovations that enable district heating networks to operate at lower temperatures.


Implementation of Low Temperature District Heating Systems. Annex TS2 is a project aiming at facilitating the implementation of 4th generation Dis- trict Heating (4GDH). It is a continuation of the first task shared annex on 4GDH which aimed at collecting what is known about 4GDH in one report (Annex TS1).


REWARDHeat Deliverable 7.4

  • D7.4 – Scenarios Beyond REWARDHeat: Energy, Environmental, Economic and Societal Impact Assessment

This report relates on the impacts of the REWARDHeat solutions developed, in terms of the energy, environmental, economic and societal aspects in the demonstrator networks and on a large scale in the urban or municipal DHC system surrounding.


RESUSEHeat handbook

The aim of this book is to consolidate information from low temperature waste heat recovery demonstration sites. Apart from technical validation, the ReUseHeat project has generated knowledge about the urban waste heat potential in Europe, main stakeholders and different business aspects.

DHC+ Knowledge Hub

  • Euroheat & Power DHC+ Knowledge Hub (also for all other DHC related topics)

Database of resources linked to district heating and cooling, including academic reports & studies, research project outcomes, market analysis as well as other relevant content for the sector.


Journal articles

This article by Henrik Lund and others offers a widely used definition of the concept of 4th Generation District Heating (4GDH) including the relations to District Cooling and the concepts of smart energy and smart thermal grids:

  • Lund, H., Werner, S., Wiltshire, R., Svendsen, S., Thorsen, J. E., Hvelplund, F., & Mathiesen, B. V. (2014). 4th Generation District Heating (4GDH): Integrating smart thermal grids into future sustainable energy systems. Energy, 68, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2014.02.089


