Supply and boosting technologies
What are the different types of heat supply options?
HP producers sheets
D2.1 REWARDHeat planning schemes database
The deliverable serves as a database for literature review and best practice examples for ultra-low and neutral temperature district heating and cooling networks. Firstly, it provides detailed overview of existing knowledge and published research papers on the different related topics such as: renewable and urban waste heat sources, supply technologies, thermal networks, and end-user substations. Then, the overview of existing next-generation networks is presented, while focusing on their characteristics such as temperature regimes, thermal sources, network topology, etc. This information is organised as a publicly available database hosted on Zenodo platform, available on this link.
D4.1 Configuration and sizing of packaged substations
This report aims at supporting the development of novel substation concepts for low- and neutraltemperature DH networks, with the ambition of creating a knowledgebase for the development of standardised solutions including HP units for applications at building level.